Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our overall well-being and quality of life. However, getting proper rest has become increasingly challenging in today's fast-paced and demanding world. The detrimental effects of poor sleep quality are well-documented, ranging from impaired cognitive function to increased risk of chronic health conditions.

Fortunately, there are numerous strategies to enhance the quality of your sleep and promote overall well-being. In this article, we will explore some valuable tips on how to improve your sleep quality so you can wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

How to Get Good Sleep

  1. Sync with Your Natural Sleep Cycle

    One of the best ways to improve your sleep quality is by getting in sync with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. Following a regular sleep-wake schedule makes you feel more energised and refreshed as you follow a fixed pattern to sleep and wake up, signalling your body to follow a certain schedule every day.
  2. Get a Better Mattress

    Mattresses play an important role when it comes to improving sleep quality. Hence, investing in the best ones is vital. A supportive mattress and pillow are the best for providing the proper support your spine needs and eliminating any pain after waking up. Hence, replacing your old mattress with a new one can be a great option. In fact, a study saw that people who thought about their bedding and mattress and changed them as per their requirements saw a 57% reduction in back pain, 59% in back stiffness, and 60% in shoulder pain.

    If you are looking for a new mattress, try to incline more towards a egro memory foam mattress. It is medium soft and helps you sleep comfortably.
  3. Dim the Lights

    Dimming the room lights and making it dark is also another great tip for good sleep. Melatonin is a hormone in your body that regulates your sleep cycle. In the darkness, it tends to be secreted in larger amounts by your brain and in the light, its production tends to subside, resulting in more alertness and less sleep. Hence, it's essential to sleep in a dark room in order to improve your sleep quality.
  4. Workout During Daytime

    Exercising every day improves the quality of your sleep. People who spend a good amount of time working out note fewer symptoms of sleep apnoea and insomnia, increasing the chances of good sleep.

    The more vigorously you work out, the deeper your sleep will be and the more powerful the sleep can benefit. But do note that it may take some months to see a significant and positive change in your sleep cycle after following a regular workout regime.
  5. Be Mindful of Your Eating and Drinking Habits

    Being smart about what you drink and eat is crucial for improving your sleep quality because diet and hydration directly impact your body's ability to rest and recover during sleep. The food and beverages you consume can influence various physiological processes that affect your sleep patterns and overall sleep health.
  6. Use the Military Method

    The military method to sleep is a relaxation technique that aims to help you fall asleep quickly, especially in stressful or demanding situations. It was reportedly used by the U.S. military to help soldiers fall asleep in less than two minutes. The method is based on progressive muscle relaxation and controlled breathing.

    Here's how to do it:

    Relax your facial muscles: Close your eyes and consciously let go of any tension in your face. Relax your forehead, jaw, and muscles around your eyes.

    Drop your shoulders: Allow your shoulders to drop as low as possible. Release any tension you may be holding in this area.

    Relax your arms: Let your arms feel heavy and relaxed. Focus on releasing any tension in your arms, from your upper arms to your fingertips, chest, and legs.

    Clear your mind: Try to clear your mind of any thoughts, worries, or distractions. Focus solely on the sensation of relaxation in your body.

Consult a Healthcare Provider

If the above tips for good sleep don't help you improve your sleep quality, you should consult a healthcare provider, as lack of good sleep may be a result of an underlying health condition like sleep apnoea or insomnia.

Author Bio: 

Avantika Sanghvi works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Flo Mattress. She loves to create engaging and value-driven content for her a wide range of audiences. She writes about health & wellness, home improvement, and parenting topics focusing on the importance of sleep and how to sleep better. She also often shares stories of how sleeping well regularly and prioritising sleep has enabled her to attain success in what she does. Her content shares actionable and practical advice for personal growth and well-being. Beyond work, she finds joy in cooking, practicing yoga, and exploring new destinations through travel.